23rd September


My phone woke me up early - an alarm breaking through the silent mode to tell me there was a severe weather event happening in Chiang Mai. It’s amazing the phone woke me because once awake there was no chance of getting back to sleep with a huge storm raging. I couldn’t believe that my little wooden house would stay water tight and intact as the deluge battered the city.

No yoga today but a meeting in Buak Hat Park - a tiny public park in the south west corner of the Old City. The paths were ankle deep in flood water and I had to take my shoes off and wade to the meeting. Coffee afterwards with my new friend Linda who loved hearing about Kenya and is already planning to visit.

Under blue skies and rising mist of the flood water evaporating I went to the temple for more of Mai’s treatment. A full two hours today and a very touching share with Mai after our appointment about our family’s. It was nice to talk - even in broken English - after nearly 8 hours of careful and skilled treatment from Mai over the week.

A rather dull and disappointing vegan restaurant for lunch which is probably what all non vegans think vegan food is like! 

A short catch up at home before going out to meeting Linda and Mark before another meeting just outside the City walls. Mark and I went for supper after the meeting - delicious vegan food - innovative and tasty unlike my dull veg and rice for lunch. Mark is an interesting guy who is mastering the art of global wandering with a backpack. Great to meet fellow travelers who find a home of sorts in the moment - you see - the Om moments are coming! Lovely chat with Cam - he is so insightful and wise for a young fellow - 23 tomorrow. It’s so great we can be close despite the physical distance.

Chiang Mai streets starting to dry out

Flooded park
Sweet Mai my temple masseuse (hair post massage!)

